
"Well, here’s a formula for your life that will work every time. It is this: The closer you come to your Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ by obeying Their commandments and by keeping covenants you have made with Them, the happier you will be…

"Doing these things will enhance your capacity to be a positive influence among your friends, family members, and others. This formula will work every time. Simply stated, the more you follow the example of Jesus Christ, the more successful you will be.

"What, then, will help you become such a devout disciple of Jesus Christ? One answer is seminary and institute—not just attending but actively participating in class and faithfully following through with any assignments given."

-President Russell M. Nelson, A Personal Invitation to Participate in Seminary and Institute, 4 February 2019

Summer 2019 Institute Classes

Thursday Evening: 7:00 pm
Teachings of the Living Prophets
Roosevelt Institute Building
Roosevelt Institute Schedule:
July 4 : **No Class**
August 1 : **No Class**